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LeapIN 2024: The series - Week 1

Updated: May 29

 We are so excited because our favourite time of the year is here: our LeapIN 2024 incubator program! Full of so much energy and happiness, we welcome our leapers.

By the end of our 12-week program, the goal is for the entrepreneurs to gain deeper insights into their businesses and personal growth journeys. We're excited to share more about their progress, so stay tuned as we feature one business from our cohort each week in this series. 


Day 1: The Journey Begins Today! 

Day 1 was a great beginning for the LEAPers. We got to learn more about their passions and the goals that they have for their businesses. We had the pleasure to have Jerry Hall joining us this day and share more about having a growth mindset. Jerry also provided aspiring entrepreneurs with tools and strategies to strengthen their inner game. The response he received was overwhelmingly positive, leaving him feeling incredibly encouraged for the future.

Day 2: “DONE is better than PERFECT.” 

On day two, we held an activity where the LEAPers opened up to talk about their fears and curiosities about opening a business or starting from scratch.  

Day 3: “… and this is why I succeed”  

Many aspiring entrepreneurs often grapple with the apprehension of failure when embarking on a business venture. However, on the third day of LeapIN, participants discovered that failure isn't necessarily detrimental; in fact, numerous accomplished individuals have experienced setbacks before achieving success.  

Why business fail: 

  • Not prioritizing customer needs 

  • Conflicting incentives 

  • Hidden assumptions 

  • Copying competitors

“what do all these people have in common? And yes, I am including myself next to Oprah and Steve jobs” Nick Hlymbicky

It was an amazing first week! Full of fun, learning, new friendships, but above all, full of new challenges.

“This week during LeapIN I have learned more about my skills and weaknesses, and that I can always improve them.” -Nicolas Moreno 
“I’m ready to be surprised” - Theone Abalos

LEAPers in 2024 incubator program:

Chimaobi Onuoha | ATYLL

Diana Blaney | Shiloh Pelvic Physio

Graham Case | Graham Case Photography

Jonathan Venerus |  Venerus Home Decor

Maria Gondola |  Venerus Home Decor

Juhi Mistry | Trust me Aunty 

Joseph Barker | Moonlight Farm

Juliana Pessoa de Paula Menslin | Doki Doki 

Roberto Krelle da Conceicao Menslin | Doki Doki  

Kimberley Harcourt | Indigenous Artwork & Beading Supplies 

Krystina Chase | SocialBLOC

Theone Abalos | SocialBLOC

Lily-Yagmur Gosling | Tarot Flows

Margi Gothi | Nails By Margi 

Maria Paula Rincon Canon | Palmi Media

Mba Anthony | Unauthorized DESIGN 

Nicolas Andres Moreno Garcia | AutoThérapie 

Roman Pittock | Erie Waves Music

Sabrina Denison | Indigenous Bath Salts 

Samantha Carter | Scribbles and Hearts 

Thalia Vianna Silva | Creative Edge Social Media Manager 

Brianna Brisset | Bri ARTx Studio  

Ajay Mandani | BLINKO 

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